ATTENTION, VERY IMPORTANT, URGENT. A solution was found to quickly identify patients with fever, including those infected with the coronavirus COVID 19 and other viral diseases. A device for visual indication of people with high temperature, the Thermoglaz thermal indicator, has been invented (an application has been filed) made in the form of a human eye and containing an “eye socket” made of fabric impregnated with a composition that changes color from pink to white with increasing temperature, and a “pupil” of smaller diameter mounted on top, in the center, made of a thermal label that also changes color from white to black, while they are sealed in a sealed soft capsule made of polyethylene, on which cattle are glued on top h of a larger diameter for mounting it on the forehead, which is equipped with a protective label and is worn in a plastic container case. For those who are not provided with an indicator, quarantine of home self-isolation is maintained, and for those provided with an indicator and a mask, a quarantine is entered allowing exit from the house in the usual mode, but with an indicator and a mask, while the indicator is glued to the forehead only when approaching a crowd of people or finding between them that , accordingly, everything should also be with glued indicators. If a person with a “pupil” is found nearby, changing color from white to black, indicating an average elevated temperature characteristic of the virus, or changing color with an “eye socket” around a black “pupil”, indicating a high temperature, he who sees him approaches him with wearing a mask, and informs him that he has a fever, and measures are being taken to detain him and deliver him to a medical institution to establish a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. You can control the color of the indicator with a mirror without removing it, which is easier for women who constantly carry them with them. People who are on the streets without an indicator and a mask are detained, their temperature is checked, they are released in normal conditions and they pay a fine for quarantine violation, and at elevated temperatures they are also taken to a medical institution to establish a diagnosis and appropriate treatment and also pay a fine. Visual control of people with indicators will provide quick identification of patients, without tests by paramedics, and instrument control at crowded places - stations, airports, boarding and alighting from airplanes, passage to theaters, cinemas and stadiums, as well as walking around apartments for checking and patient identification, which will drastically reduce the period of patient identification and their timely treatment. It is urgent to develop a technology for the production of indicators, organize their production and provide them with the population, distributing them through regional medical institutions, after which the country will quickly return to normal mode, drastically reducing the time for identifying patients and eliminating the epidemic in a short time, while eliminating huge costs for ineffective measures to identify patients, and the recession of the country's economy is stopped. This information was also sent to the Prime Minister and the Presidential Administration to familiarize Putin with her. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the indicator device and its effect depending on temperature, in Fig. 2, on the neck. In fig. 3 on the forehead, in fig. 4 sick child, in fig. 5 indicator in the container. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Inventor Vladimir Romanov. Krasnoyarsk, s.t. No. 8 923 299 85 00.home t 8391-64-76-58/

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